031-847-1388 / 0343-747-888​

Provide full nutrition with Angputra XPK Fertilizer (Premium)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-16 at 11.24.05

Enriched with Humatic Acid, Amino Acid, Complete Micro
Elements (MgO – CaO – Sulfur – Boron – Silica)

Usage of fertilizers:
1. Supports organic farming
2. Spur plant growth
3. P205 content speed up the fruit maturity and strengthened the
plant so it doesn’t collapse
4. Potassium act as activator in helping water
absorption and earthquake of the land
5. Provide full nutrition for you plant maximally, so the
farmer is abundant and healthy


  • C-Organik  ± 20%
  • C/N ± 3,94
  • Nitrogen (N)  ± 5%
  • Phosphate (P205)  ±5%
  • Kalium (K20)  ±5%
  • Water content ±15%

PT. Angputra Global Organik provides a manufacturing process, specialized in customize organic fertilizer, phosphate and with the derivative, and compound formula fertilizer, by a comprehensive understanding of both local and overseas agricultural needs. Despite its main business, Angputra Group also expanding in nutrition technology application for vegetables, through farming business, which promoting food security for nations.

Contact Information


Jl.Panjang Jiwo Permai I/57 Kelurahan Panjang Jiwo Kecamatan Tenggilis Mejoyo, Surabaya 60299​



Fax : 031-8470660


Kelurahan Mojoparon Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Pasuruan (Sebelah Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang/PIER)​


Fax : 0343-746-777

© 2020 Angputra Group

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