
PT. Angputra Global Organik produce Indonesian Guano Phosphate Fertilizer for both domestic and overseas needs. Pack in 50 kilogram, 1250 kg/jumbo bag, and bulk container.
Few variants for Exported Guano Phosphate Fertilizers:
• Powder with total 21% of P2O5
• Granule with total 21% of P2O5, 24% P2O5
• Formulated Guano Phosphate with Elemental Sulphur ( 18% P2O5, 10% Elemental Sulphur ES)
• Formulated Guano Phosphate with additional Urea, Ammonium Sulphate, and elemental sulphur.
Our ganule product has a very good physical properties, size 2-5 mm diameter, no dust, and very good hardness ( 10-20 N).
Indonesian Guano Phosphate consider as the safest Rock Phosphate in the world :
• Very low heavy metal mostly Cadmium (Cd)
• Very low Iodin (I)

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